

Conversation between Jill and Deb regarding access to Jill's blog:

DEB: Jill, I can't get into your blog anymore.
Jill: I need to invite you, what's your email address.
DEB: CPAFarmer the ranch
Deb: No, just CPAFarmer then the ranch.
Jill: How do you get into Melanie's blog.
Deb: I just type CPAFarmer then the ranch.
Jill: Call Uncle Mel and ask him your email address.
Deb: Mel, what is our email address?
Deb - Jill: It's CPAFarmer.
Jill: @ what?
Deb - Mel: @ what?
Deb - Jill: @gmel.com Like Mel.
(pause for some talking among Deb and Mel)
Deb - Jill: Oh no, its gmail like M-A-I-L not like M-E-L.
Jill: Got it.


Mama Mimi said...

That is perfect. Perfectly hilarious!

Jill said...

I am laughing so hard, my throat and cheeks are burning. I love Deb. Deb and Mail are the best Uncle and Aunt. ;0)